Sent to the desert
It is certain that the next #gims {Geneva International Motor Show) will take place in Doha in the human rights friendly state of Qatar, the date has now been nailed to the Calvinist cross: 5 to 14 October 2023. It is also certain that Volkswagen, Porsche and Mercedes will be represented, they may put themselves in the foreground, Qatar is after all one of the companies’ strongest shareholders; Budweiser is apparently not interested in taking over the catering. Whether more manufacturers will come is still uncertain for the time being, although the Qatari treasury has promised to support the exhibitors actively, i.e. financially, in the organisation. But apparently E is not urgently to take centre stage, which is somehow understandable when you know what the emirate draws its wealth from, literally. But a bit of luxury, exotics and classics is desired, which surely pleases the volume manufacturers.

It also seems certain that the Qatar #gims will take place every two years, always linked to the sandcastle-building World Cup and the Formula 1 Gran Prix, which has also been bought in (this year: 6/7.10.2023); the date is therefore still somewhat uncertain for the next staging. What is also certain is that, thanks to the help of Qatar Tourism and Qatar Airways, “interested” journalists and head-hungry influencers do not have to expect any costs for their trip, and can perhaps add a few days to get to know the architectural beauties of the Gulf state in greater depth. The reporters will be allowed to spend the night in those containers that were previously occupied by the relief workers who did not have accidents during the construction/demolition of the World Cup stadiums. As a guest gift, a Bischt beckons with the fence post.

We are also sure that the #gims will no longer take place in Geneva, even if the organiser continues to claim the opposite. But for a few years now, the organiser has been following the old adage: “What do I care about what I said yesterday? We have better news in the archives.
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