Nur gerade 207 Exemplare des Bentley R-Type Continental wurden gebaut. Davon waren nur 13 linksgelenkt, mit manueller Schaltung und so etwas wie Sportsitzen ausgestattet. Aber nur gerade dieses hier gezeigte Exemplar verfügte auch noch über das massgeschneiderte Gepäck – und wurde von Bentley im Januar 1954 in Brüssel auf der Motor Show ausgestellt. BC39LC ist also quasi ein Einhorn unter den schon seltenen R-Type Continental.
Chassis-Nummer: BC39LC
Motorennummer: BCC38

Auktion: RM Sotheby’s, Paris 2025, Schätzpreis 1,8 bis 2,4 Millionen Euro, mit diesen Informationen: «Importantly, chassis BC39LC was selected by Bentley for the Brussels Motor Show in January 1954, making it one of very few R-Type Continental show cars. Once official duties were concluded, it was delivered to Edouard Zurstrassen of Heusy, Belgium. Perhaps in recognition of its extraordinary quality, the Bentley never experienced fleeting ownership having had just three owners by 1983 before joining the Etro family, famed for its eponymous fashion house. Gerolamo Etro kept chassis BC39LC for a remarkable 30 years, but by 2013 this significant R-Type had become the perfect candidate for restoration and was sold to its penultimate owner, Timm Bergold. Clark & Carter then carried out one of their signature restorations, taking chassis BC39LC down to component form, including the aluminium body being returned to bare metal. Careful consideration for originality was afforded to all aspects of the restoration and it was returned exactly to its delivery specification, including a new set of fitted luggage.»

Wir haben eine schöne Geschichte zu den Continental von Bentley, hier. Und dann ist da auch noch das Archiv.
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